Navigate through the lens of E-Commerce Director Sitara Yalçin - Zaidi

Explore the groundbreaking features that define as a platform of innovation.

In the dynamic world of e-commerce, standing out among a sea of competitors demands innovation, experience, convenience and an understanding of market needs. At, we embrace this challenge by continually refining our offerings to provide value to our customers. It is our aim to ensure that our website is our steadfast commitment to excellence and adaptability that truly sets us apart. Sitara Yalçin-Zaidi, Director of e-Commerce, shares some insights into our platform's unique features and benefits. 

What are some features that has that sets us apart from our competitors? stands out by offering comprehensive solutions for worldwide food distribution through easy online B2B ordering. All necessary information is consolidated in one convenient place, ensuring an easy and fast experience for our users. Our distinctive feature is our commitment to providing both online and offline support. While our platform facilitates digital transactions, we understand the importance of human interaction. Therefore, we have a dedicated team to process the orders, providing a personalized touch that enhances customer satisfaction.

 Additionally, a feature that shows our dedication to enhancing user experience that has is our container filling tool at checkout. Unlike conventional E-Commerce platforms, this tool empowers customers to visualize and optimize their shipments efficiently. Whether selecting a 20 feet container or a 40 feet one, our intuitive interface allows users to gauge container capacity as they add items to their cart, streamlining the ordering process like never before.


The Excel file import feature further simplifies the shopping experience, catering to clients who prefer a more speedy approach to filling their carts. To effectively convey these benefits to our clientele, strategic placement and clear communication are key. Leveraging prominent sections such as the homepage and the registration page presents an excellent opportunity to highlight these unique functionalities. By integrating compelling visuals and concise messaging,  we can effectively illustrate the value proposition of these features and how they directly benefit our customers.


We acknowledge that true uniqueness isn't solely defined by features but rather by the holistic value we bring to our customers. While our competitors may offer similar services, it's our comprehensive network, honed logistics prowess, and strong brand partnerships that truly differentiate us. 

Our e-Commerce department is dedicated to ongoing improvement. We actively listen to customer feedback, using it to enhance our platform's functionalities and user experience. By staying agile and responsive, we ensure that our platform remains at the forefront of innovation, delivering an exceptional e-Commerce journey for all our valued customers.